RIAA/MPAA adopt new stealth tactic

Found on The Inquirer on Friday, 28 July 2006
Browse Filesharing

I had the misfortune of seeing the new Miami Vice movie Thursday night, but the experience wasn't all wasted, I stumbled upon the newest stealth rights removal reeducation campaign from the people that brought you DRM. Yes, the MPAA, RIAA or BSA, I am not sure which are behind this new tact, stealth infection of modern culture.

To use the Disco Steve method of rating movies, a scale from 1 to infinity of how many miles he would walk to avoid the movie, I would give this an 8. It was a B grade drug movie with only the most tenuous ties to the original TV show.

There was a scene in Miami Vice where they were discussing the big bad drug dealers, and how international they were. The good guys listed all the thing the bad guys were capable of bringing into the US, Cocaine, Heroin, etc etc. They listed it as coke from Coumbia, heroin from Afganistan, X from Y and A from B. Pretty normal stuff. At the end, they added 'pirated software from China'.

Well, the "pirated software" might just be the idea of some plot writer; but who knows, maybe they'll release a movie about how evil filesharing is. "Joe Blonde - That file is not enough", "Finding eMule", "Share Wars - Revenge of the Miffed", "The Sharefolder Reloaded" or "Larry Snotter and the torrent of bits". Only a handful of people will get this message though; Miami Vice was bad when it was on TV and I'm not going to find out if it got any better.