Saddam's supporters in revenge vow

Found on Ananova on Saturday, 30 December 2006
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Saddam Hussein's supporters have vowed to take revenge for his execution as hundreds of Iraqis travelled to his burial site to pay tribute.

While celebrations in Iraq's Shiite neighbourhoods continued, Saddam loyalists, mostly from the Sunni community, vowed to take revenge.

It also emerged that, although Saddam met his fate calmly, he had been taunted minutes before his death and had a frosty exchange with one of his guards.

A new video showed Saddam exchanging taunts with onlookers before the gallows floor dropped away.

Saddam appeared to smile at those taunting him.

Everybody with a little bit of intelligence would have realized that. The death of Saddam hasn't brought anybody back to life and it hasn't created peace. If anything, it's just a reason for even more violence now. Great step forward to a peaceful Iraq. But well, that's the eye for an eye rule. Until all are blind.