RIAA And The Definition Of Insanity

Found on Techdirt on Tuesday, 09 October 2007
Browse Filesharing

For years we've been pointing out business models involving free music that don't need require the RIAA to sue everyone. For years, we've been highlighting the very basic economics for why these business models will almost certainly take over the industry. And, now that we're starting to see some serious traction among bands adopting these models (without RIAA help), we've even explained why the RIAA should still have an important place within this model.

In other words, nearly everything the industry has done has backfired and made things worse. And how does the RIAA respond? By saying it needs to keep doing the same thing over and over again. The spokesman for the RIAA calls their activities "tough love" but hasn't anyone pointed out to them that what they're doing has not worked and has only made the situation worse?

The RIAA has already reached a point where people don't care anymore. The constant whining and sueing doesn't work. Today, everybody is told to be flexible; to move around the globe for work; to give up your old-fashioned thinking. But those who fail at all this are the same people who claim to be so close to the newest trends.