China being 'demonised'

Found on Ananova on Saturday, 12 April 2008
Browse Politics

Fu Ying said Chinese athletes who came to London for the Olympic torch relay last Sunday "were convinced that people here were against them" after "violent attacks on the torch".

"Many who had romantic views of the West are very disappointed at the media's attempt to demonise China."

She said many of those who protested had probably not been to Tibet which she described as a land "loved" by the Chinese people.

"There may be complicated problems of religion mixing with politics, but people are well-fed, well-clothed and and well-housed."

"Many complain about China not allowing enough access to the media. In China, the view is that the Western media need to earn respect."

I haven't laughed so much for quite some time even though this is a sad matter. She reminds me of Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, who did the laughable propaganda for Iraq. And no, people are not against the chinese athletes; just against the chinese dictatorship and its politicians who suppress countries they've invaded. I don't care if we have crushed the romantic views of someone, but I don't want to play nice when monks get bullied just because they want to be free. There are no problems with mixing religions: China doesn't like religion and wants to eradicate the soul of Tibet; that's the problem. Some hundred years ago, cotton farmers also fed, clothed and housed their slaves. Still those slaves were not happy with that. Besides, I don't want to earn the respect of a torturing dictatorship because that would mean going on a similar level; and that's the last thing I want to do. So yes, I don't like China's leaders and their politics, and I hope more and more people will stand up and tell them to shove it. It's just sad that we cannot rely on politicians who are more interested in economic ties with a nation living from the oppression of its people than freedom. But money makes the world turn for them, not freedom.