Will the New RIAA Tactic Boost P2P File Sharing?

Found on Slashdot on Saturday, 31 January 2009
Browse Filesharing

The RIAA's claim that it'll stop suing people may have serious consequences... for the RIAA. When it dropped its attack on seven University of Michigan students, Recording Industry vs. The People wondered if the move was linked to three investigations, with MediaSentry as the target, before Michigan's Department of Labor and Economic Growth.

Is there anything the RIAA can do to reduce illegal file-sharing without generating massive amounts of bad publicity?

No. Simply because filesharing has left the shady grey areas it once had and evolved into something perfectly normal in the eyes of your everyday Internet user. Books, trains, electricity... all of those were once deemed evil and dangerous. Today, people don't even think about that anymore; and if they do, they laugh about how small-minded and scared the ancestors have been.