GSM Encryption Cracked... GSMA's First Response? That's Illegal!

Found on Techdirt on Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Browse Technology

The big news in security circles this week is the fact that a security researcher claims to have cracked the encryption used to keep GSM mobile phone calls private.

"This is theoretically possible but practically unlikely," said Claire Cranton, an association spokeswoman. She said no one else had broken the code since its adoption. "What he is doing would be illegal in Britain and the United States. To do this while supposedly being concerned about privacy is beyond me."

Did she just say everything is ok because cracking GSM is illegal so nobody will do that? I hate to point it out, but the whole world is bigger than the UK and US (even if they don't want to admit that). Furthermore, breaking encryption that was meant to protect privacy is a pretty big problem for said privacy in my opinion. To sum it up: she has no clue what she is talking about.