Apple Axes WiFi iPhone Applications

Found on eWEEK on Friday, 05 March 2010
Browse Censorship

In a continuation of Apple's controversial method of managing its App Store for the iPhone, the company decided to remove a variety of applications designed to find WiFi hotspots the device can connect to.

The reports come on the heels of Apple's decision to remove a slew of applications featuring potentially offensive or suggestive adult content.

Even more reason to avoid Apple. Products from them are useless as long as they decide what you are allowed to do with it. If I buy a product, I want to use it the way I want to; even as a doorstop. I want to be able to install whatever I want and, yes, perhaps brick it. As soon as I handed over the money, the control of the manufacturer ends. Easy as that. Not that I would buy anything from Apple anyway.