iPad jailbroken already, using leftover security flaw
Found on Ars Technica on Sunday, 04 April 2010
By Sunday afternoon, one day after its launch, MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev-Team announced that he had cracked the iPad using security flaws that were left over from the previous iteration of the iPhone OS, iPhone 3.1.3.
It's unclear how easily the Spirit variation could be made into an automated program, though Apple generally frowns upon jailbreaking and is likely to patch up the relevant holes in the near future.
Totalitarianism won't work out. Either Apple decided to let people run whatever they want on the hardware they've paid for, or a large number will simply refuse to buy any of their products. The idea of having someone who tells me what to run isn't appealing at all; so no Apple products for me. Considering the giant PR that Steve started for the iPad, the 300,000 sold units (including preorders) aren't impressive at all.