Free mobile phone upgrade?

Found on The Inquirer on Wednesday, 07 July 2004
Browse Technology

The UK's mobile phone retailing industry kept up its appalling record of misleading the punters when Phones 4U got caught sending out a misleading text message. A customer received this text: - "Collect your free phone from phones 4 u next to wool worths [sic] you are due an upgrade its free!"

Naturally he bowled straight into the Liverpool store and naturally when the staff took a long, hard look at his individual circumstances, it was going to cost him £50.

He took his complaint straight to the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) who upheld the complaint. They told Phones 4U to seek guidance in future from the CAP Copy Advice team.

A typical CAP training sessions? Q: "What am I holding in my right hand, then?" A: "A multipurpose agricultural implement?" "No, it's a spade."

It would be interesting to know which "extras" were added to reach those £50. If a company says it will give you a free upgrade, I expect it to be free. That's like selling a box of cereals with a note inside telling you where to find the expected content.