T-Mobile Censoring Text Messages

Found on Wired on Friday, 17 September 2010
Browse Censorship

A mobile-marketing company claimed Friday it would go out of business unless a federal judge orders T-Mobile to stop blocking its text-messaging service, the first case testing whether wireless providers can block text messages they don’t like.

EZ Texting claims T-Mobile blocked the company from sending text messages for all of its clients after learning that legalmarijuanadispensary.com, an EZ Texting client, was using its service to send texts about legal medical marijuana dispensaries in California.

So, a "marketing" company has problems getting messages advertising drugs to users who most likely did not opt-in. That sounds awfully similar to your everyday V1@gra spam which get filtered by e-mail providers all day long. Personally, I don't feel even a tiny bit sad if a marketing company goes out of business.