BPI: 1.2 billion illegal music downloads in 2010 a record

Found on Ars Technica on Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Browse Filesharing

This bit of data comes courtesy of a new report released by UK recording industry group BPI, which says that the music industry is growing slower than it should thanks to the lack of action against downloaders.

The group says that the industry's growth is being hurt because of the lack of consequences for those illegally downloading music files.

Same old arguments as ever. Refusing to acknowledge that their way of doing business is dying. That's the old story they've been telling for years. This is a good proof that stricter laws won't change anything; P2P will continue to grow and find new ways. At least they didn't also claim that every download is a lost sale this time. 1.2 billion would sound a bit off; but knowing them, they would probably claim 12 billion in losses, because the customer of course would have bought the album if he only wanted a single song.