Apple clamping down on App Store content

Found on CNet News on Tuesday, 01 February 2011
Browse Technology

Apple recently rejected an iPhone app that would have allowed customers to purchase and read e-books sold through the Sony Reader Store, and Apple told Sony that all in-app purchases would now go through Apple, Steve Haber, president of Sony's digital reading division, told the newspaper.

The new policy would effectively cut off and other companies that sell e-readers that compete with Apple's iPad, the Times noted. Many e-readers offer mobile apps that allow content purchased in their online stores to be read on other devices, including the iPad.

It's amazing how much Steve's fanboys and -girls love to suffer. Censorship here and total control there. Free and open markets are great, but only when they are under the control of Apple. Just do yourself a favor, shake off Steve's grip and get real hardware that lets you do whatever you want.