Pirate Bay block comes into force in Finland
Found on YLE on Monday, 09 January 2012
Customers of the Elisa and Saunalahti internet service providers can no longer use those internet connections to visit The Pirate Bay website. Helsinki District Court ordered the ISPs to block the Pirate Bay last October, but the block went into effect Monday.
As of Monday evening, at least one Pirate Bay mirror site in operation on servers outside Sweden was reportedly not blocked to Elisa and Saunalahti customers. Meanwhile, one domain name that previously linked to The Pirate Bay, but now takes users to the website of Electronic Frontier Finland was blocked for Elisa and Saunalahti subscribers.
DNS baseded blocks are easy to get around; IP based blocks might very well affect other sites with have nothing to do with the website in question. Nevertheless, all of that is simply censorship.