Switzerland Questions Crazy Hollywood Claims About File Sharing... Ends Up On Congressional Watchlist

Found on Techdirt on Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Browse Filesharing

Last December, we wrote about a report put out by the Swiss executive branch noting that, based on their research, it appeared that unauthorized file sharing was not a big deal, showing that consumers were still spending just as much on entertainment, and that much of it was going directly to artists, rather than to middlemen.

That list doesn't come out for a bit, but there's another, similar list, put out by the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus (yeah) that has added Switzerland to its "bad countries" list along with China, Russia and Ukraine.

Meanwhile, both Spain and Canada -- who passed legislation very much at the behest of American interests -- were removed from the evil part of the list and switched to "in transition."

The best government money can buy. There will be times when you'll be proud to be on that "bad countries" list because it will be proof that you're not one of their lap dogs.