To reduce its tax burden, Google expands use of the “Double Irish”

Found on Ars echnica on Saturday, 12 October 2013
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Google is moving even more money through a shell corporation in Bermuda—reaching a total of €8.8 billion ($11.91 billion) in 2012, 25 percent more than it did in 2011. By employing a legal yet ethically questionable practice, Google is saving itself billions in taxes worldwide.

So who does Google license its tech to? A fun little company called Google Ireland Holdings, headquartered in Bermuda. Bermuda, of course, has zero corporate income tax. So as a Bermuda company, Google Ireland Holdings pays none.

"Do no evil" only applies to others it seems. Politicians are afraid (or just bribed) and won't even attempt to solve this tax evasion even though it's been going on for years now.