Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future
Found on ReadWrite on Saturday, 05 April 2014
Facebook has a perception problem, which is largely driven by the fact it controls huge amounts of data and uses people as fodder for advertising. Facebook has been embroiled in numerous privacy controversies over the years, and was built from the ground up by a kid who basically double-crossed his Harvard colleagues to pull it off in the first place.
Perhaps the largest driver of skepticism towards Facebook is the level of control it gives users—which is arguably limited. Sure, you can edit your profile so other people can’t see your personal information, but Facebook can, and it uses your data to serve advertisers.
People forget how to really connect to others, because there's a service that makes it oh so easy to do that. That's why users slowly begin to rely on the service more and more until, at some point, they are depending from it. You can trust FB because the same way a sheep can trust its butcher.