Wanna keep your data for 1,000 YEARS? No? Hard luck, HDS wants you to anyway

Found on The Register on Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Browse Technology

HDPP says Blu-ray stores can last up to 50 years, with M-DISC taking life out to 1,000 years.

The Naval Air Warfare Weapons Division (NAWCD) wants to permanently store and access what it calls irreplaceable information. It's tested the M-DISC, which can be read in DVD-style drives, in harsh conditions and found: "None of the Millenniata media suffered any data degradation at all."

Retarded marketing is running wild. Today you're already facing problems when you want to read data from media which was a standard a decade ago. The data itself is not the problem, but today it's rare to see a new computer with a floppy drive or a parallel/serial port. So you're sitting there with the data, but cannot get it onto the PC anymore; and even if you are lucky, there is no guranantee that the software that can handle that data will run on your shiney new OS. Now multiply that with the factor 10, or 100.