Sony Pictures Investigates North Korea Link In Hack Attack

Found on recode on Sunday, 30 November 2014
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The timing of the attack coincides with the imminent release of “The Interview,” a Sony film that depicts a CIA plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

Sony and outside security consultants are actively exploring the theory that the hack may have been carried out by third parties operating out of China on North Korea’s behalf. The sources stress that a link to North Korea hasn’t been confirmed, but has not been ruled out, either.

Sony declined to comment beyond a statement it issued Tuesday: “Sony Pictures Entertainment experienced a system disruption, which we are working diligently to resolve.”

Interestingly enough, there is one thing missing: police. In every other case when a hack happens, companies work together with the FBI or a smiliar agency. With North Korea involved, intelligence agencies might get very interested too. Yet there is a lack of news about this; so maybe this is nothing more than a PR stunt to promote the movie.