Is email broken?

Found on BBC News on Friday, 20 February 2015
Browse Internet

For many people, email was their first experience of online communication, and seemed at first a magical new way of connecting at work and at home. Now, though, it looks old hat. Teenagers, we are told, are using everything from Snapchat to WhatsApp to communicate and are unlikely to respond if you email them - something I can confirm from personal experience.

Of around 200 emails from outside my organisation, many were from mailing lists I signed up to in the dim and distant past.

Email will survive Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Snapchat and you cannot complain about too many emails if you signed up for them in the first place. The thruth behind such FUD campaigns is caused by the propaganda machinery paid by the social network companies because the hate email. They cannot build profiles of you for making money with you, simply because they don't see the emails you send. That's the total opposite to your WhatsApp or Twitter accounts, where every single action travels through their systems and help profiling you and your contacts.