How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built Six Homes
Found on Pro Publica on Saturday, 06 June 2015
The Red Cross says it has provided homes to more than 130,000 people. But the actual number of permanent homes the group has built in all of Haiti: six.
The Red Cross won’t disclose details of how it has spent the hundreds of millions of dollars donated for Haiti. But our reporting shows that less money reached those in need than the Red Cross has said.
We asked the Red Cross to show us around its projects in Haiti so we could see the results of its work. It declined.
It has declined repeated requests to disclose the specific projects, to explain how much money went to each or to say what the results of each project were.
That's why donating money only helps your guilty conscience and not those in need. Most charities are wasting donated money, or simply focus on finding ways to keep it. If they want to earn the trust they need, the Red Cross (and others) have to be fully transparent; like they always promise when they ask for money.