Connected home device security only gets worse

Found on CNet News on Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Browse Technology

IoT devices can make our daily lives more efficient, but manufacturers are yet to get up to speed when it comes to security -- and a constant stream of research concerning smart systems has revealed just how easy it can be to exploit vulnerabilities and manipulate these kinds of devices.

"The rapid growth of the Internet of Things now includes thousands of connected products, yet it's shocking how little planning there has been for these devices becoming part of everyday life," said Craig Spiezle, Executive Director and President of OTA.

The problem is that developing devices gets easier and easier. Simpler develboards and an increasing number of enthusiasts result in the creation of more IoT devices. For the majority, the focus is to get the device working only; when it comes to security, that focus starts to blur. This also points out how important it is to open-source the IoT devices: if the original developer drops the project, the community can still carry on and keep it updated.