If Apple didn’t hold $181B overseas, it would owe $59B in US taxes

Found on Ars Technica on Wednesday, 07 October 2015
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Other major American tech firms—including Cisco, Google, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle—are among the largest companies that are using legal but questionable tax tricks to keep money overseas and effectively pay little to no American federal corporate taxes.

"Losing $90 billion of potential tax revenues every year is a very big deal," Neil Buchanan, a professor at George Washington University, said by e-mail.

In July 2014, Ars also reported that Google Ireland Limited paid an effective tax rate of just 0.16 percent on €17 billion ($22.8 billion) revenue in 2013.

Yet people applaud these corporations whenever they throw a new gadget onto the market even though they pay the bill for their tax evasion.