Wireless USB Hooks up USB Flash Drives
Found on Everything USB on Monday, 17 January 2005
We never expected this, but two of our favorite technologies – P2P and Wireless USB are about to rolled into one device thanks to Memsen’s Click n' Share keychains. While providing the essential function of storing files as a USB flash drive, when two of these come within range of each other, wireless file sharing can take place between the two drives without any computer intervention. The keychains are also capable of interacting and downloading files such as product brochures from what Memsen calls the DataVendor, a Wireless USB enabled advertising display.
Memsen is currently deciding between Jabil Circuit and Steve Wozniak’s Wheels of Zeus to produce the platform, which will be used in closed testing and convention centers.
I supposed the music and movie industry would like to make USB and wireless devices illegal now, since they can support filesharing. And Overpeer will need a bunch of outdoor specialists to poison those networks too.