Wozniak's world in 2075: 'bigger' Apple, Google, Facebook β€” and we'll be living in deserts

Found on USA Today on Monday, 17 April 2017
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He's convinced Apple, Google and Facebook will be bigger in 2075, the theme of next weekend's Silicon Valley Comic Con (SVCC), β€œThe Future of Humanity: Where Will We Be in 2075?”

"Apple will be around a long time, like IBM (which was founded in 1911)," Wozniak said in an interview on Friday. "Look at Apple's cash ($246.1 billion, as of the end of its last fiscal quarter). It can invest in anything. It would be ridiculous to not expect them to be around (in 2075). The same goes for Google and Facebook."

MySpace is still around too, just like CDs and Vinyl. He's not making predictions, he's having wishful thoughts.