Cloudflare Debuts Orbit Security Service to Protect IoT Devices
Found on eWEEK on Friday, 28 April 2017
IoT devices can sometimes be difficult to update and might not be patched as rapidly as new exploits are discovered, which can expose users to risk. With Orbit, Cloudflare provides a barrier that will restrict IoT device communications to the Cloudflare platform, as well as providing a virtual patch.
Prince explained that instead of a device connecting directly through the public internet, an IoT device is routed through a buffer network (in this case Cloudflare) to provide security.
Maybe, just maybe, it would be better to make IoT manufacturers responsible for the crappy and bug-ridden devices they throw onto the market. Curing the symptoms is the wrong approach; even more so if you are routing your traffic through a company which can do in-depth analysis of possibly private and confidential data.