The Computer Scientist Who Prefers Paper

Found on The Atlantic on Saturday, 11 November 2017
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Four voting machines had been secured for the event, three of them types still in use. One team of hackers used radio signals to eavesdrop on a machine as it recorded votes. Another found a master password online. Within hours of getting their hands on the machines, the hackers had discovered vulnerabilities in all four.

“Many of the leading opponents of paperless voting machines were, and still are, computer scientists, because we understand the vulnerability of voting equipment in a way most election officials don’t. The problem with cybersecurity is that you have to protect against everything, but your opponent only has to find one vulnerability.”

Maybe the idea behind paperless voting is to eliminate a problem: the voter. It does not always have to be the evil enemy nation who wants to meddle with elections; sometimes the enemy sits on the same side of the border.