Anti-Piracy Bureau of Sweden Planted Evidence
Found on Slashdot on Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Concerning the bust at the Swedish ISP Bahnhof on March 10, IDG Sweden is reporting that Bahnhof has posted their findings of an internal inspection. It seems as if the Anti-Piracy Buereau of Sweden and their infiltrator "Rouge" had a good deal of involvement in supporting the busted FTP server not only with hardware but with so called "warez" as well. The blog of Lars Backlund has a translated version of the interview conducted in the report of Bahnhof. has a breakdown of the relevant details as well. From the article: "As it turns out, APB (or, rather, their hired informer) supplied the servers and uploaded copyrighted materials. So that's why they were so sure to find stuff, they put it there!"
Behold the tactics of the entertainment industry: supply the material, lure people with it and sue those who grab files. That's like making heroin and selling it on the streets to catch junkies. I'm getting seriously fed up with their crap. They think they are allowed to do everything they want; but in fact they are totally obsolete today. If there wouldn't be a law against it, the entertainment industry would simply kill filesharers. You don't believe that? Listen to Dan Glickman, the new Jack Valenti: "See, the way it works is we dangle the carrot, then when a file-sharer reaches for the it, we wiggle the stick so they know what we're packing, We ask them, 'Are you sure you want to do that? Didn't you see the stick?' And if they insist on going for the carrot, we beat them to death with the stick, you know, just until we can see a little brain through the skull. That's why you need the stick and the carrot both. It's really hard to kill someone with a carrot". So much for being a poor, innocent victim...