Structure produces world's fastest transistor

Found on PhysOrg on Monday, 11 April 2005
Browse Technology

A new type of transistor structure, invented by scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has broken the 600 gigahertz speed barrier. The goal of a terahertz transistor for high-speed computing and communications applications could now be within reach.

The goal of a terahertz transistor was not possible using the previous device structure, Feng said. "To achieve such speed in a typical HBT, the current density would become so large it would melt the components. In our pseudomorphic HBT, we can operate at higher frequencies with less current density. With this new material structure, a terahertz transistor is achievable."

Now that would be a sweet toy. Currently, the problem is the increasing temperature; the faster your processor, the hotter it gets. Right now, I have my computer running at a reduced speed. The computer is idle most of the time anyway and that 400MHz difference can rarely be noticed.