Comcast, Mozilla strike privacy deal to encrypt DNS lookups in Firefox

Found on Ars Technica on Thursday, 25 June 2020
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Comcast is partnering with Mozilla to deploy encrypted DNS lookups on the Firefox browser, the companies announced today. Comcast's version of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) will be turned on by default for Firefox users on Comcast's broadband network, but people will be able to switch to other options like Cloudflare and NextDNS.

Firefox CTO Eric Rescorla said that "bringing ISPs into the TRR program helps us protect user privacy online without disrupting existing user experiences," and that Mozilla hopes today's news "sets a precedent for further cooperation between browsers and ISPs."

So DoH is getting forced down the throat of everybody to protect their privacy, because traditional DNS offered by your ISP lets them snoop on you, and now Comcast joins TRR, but of course now it won't snoop on you anymore. Really now? DoH has proven it's failure.