Terrorist Link to Copyright Piracy Alleged

Found on Slashdot on Saturday, 28 May 2005
Browse Politics

John Stedman, a lieutenant in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in charge of IP violations, testified in front of the Senate Homeland Security committee that some associates of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah may be involved in copyright violations. According to CNET's Declean McCullagh: 'Even though Stedman's evidence is circumstantial, his testimony comes as Congress is expected to consider new copyright legislation this year. An invocation of terrorism, the trump card of modern American politics, could ease the passage of the next major expansion of copyright powers'.

Shoot, that didn't take long. Three days ago I suggested that the folks who ran EliteTorrents were terrorists (since the FBI and ICE busted them). Today we have the official testimony. But then, a lieutenant from LA testified. Someone who can be easily dropped; typically, you call this a pawn. I bet they finance the next 9/11 by trading SW-III. Things get interesting when a government calls everybody a terrorist who isn't liked by corporations and industries.