Hollywood finances pirate lab
Found on The Inquirer on Monday, 19 September 2005
Hollywood has chosen speak like a pirate day to announce that six studios will be uniting to finance a multimillion-dollar research laboratory to find new ways to foil movie pirates.
The non-profit lab will be called Motion Picture Laboratories, or MovieLabs, and will start up later in the year.
It will have a budget of $30 million to spend over two years and is based on the perception the IT industry is not doing enough to tackle pirates.
MovieLabs will be looking at ways to jam camcorders, detect and block P2P transfers on campus and business networks.
It will build spyware for p2p networks and look at better ways to prevent home and personal digital networks from being tapped into by unauthorised users.
Some will never learn. Idiocy really knows no limits. Pumping $30 million into a dubious idea? If you keep in mind the (proven) fact that P2P increases revenues and that it's not stealing, you have to wonder why the industry fights something that has a positive effect. They have been unable to take advantage of their chance when P2P started; just because they are old-fashioned, greedy and short sighted. Instead, they offend consumers with limitations, faulty "copy protection", lawsuits and more. I just hope someone will sue them for the spyware they create. Or, when they try to jam camcorders with whatever-rays because it might cause cancer.